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The Suit Curaçao - A Unique Perspective Curaçao's Underwater Kunuku 

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | English Version

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | English Version

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Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Nederlandse Versie

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Nederlandse Versie

CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU Een prachtige film over de interactie van mens en de natuur onder water langs 100 (honderd) kilometer kuststrook in Curaçao, gecreeerd middels een daarvoor speciaal georganiseerde snorkeltrip van het meest Oostelijke punt van Curaçao langs de gehele kust naar het meest NoordWestelijke punt van het eiland. Belangrijke ingredienten van de film zijn mens en natuur en hoe dat alles interacteert en zo leidt tot deze mooie film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU of ‘de Onderwater Tuin van Curaçao’. Voor de productie van deze film werden ervaren en getrainde zwemmers en duikers gebruikt en werkte een film crew op de filmset van zo’n veertig tot vijftig personen met alle voorzieningen qua veiligheid van eenieder. De film kwam tot stand dankzij een goed gecoordineerd operationeel plan met sterk leiderschap en continue focus. Zulks met het ook op de kwaliteit van het eindproduct: een Non Profit film van hoge kwaliteit, dus zónder winstoogmerk maar geheel belangeloos, waar de wereld van kan genieten. Beleefd bevelen wij aan om aan het einde van de film ook naar de credits te kijken. Het is in de credits waar wij de zovele mensen en organisaties die belangeloos hun tijd en steun hebben gestoken en de totstandkoming van deze indrukwekkende productie een welverdiend podium geven. Deze 100 kilometer zwem- en snorkel tocht werd nooit tevoren door iemand gedaan. Laat staan het al zwemmend en snorkelend filmen van de gehele kustlijn van Curaçao. Dit was mogelijk dankzij de medewerking en betrokkenheid van de vele organisaties uit de particulieren én de publieke sector met alle akkoorden en toestemmingen die daarvoor een must waren en ook zijn gegeven. Er is veel meer film materiaal beschikbaar dan enkel deze 31-32 minuten film. The Suit Ocean Team stelde daarom het ruw materiaal ter beschikking van het onderwijs en de wetenschap te Curaçao. Professionals, onderwijs deskundigen en wetenschappers op natuur (marien biologisch) gebied, in educatieve- en onderzoeksprojecten maakten en maken daar dankbaar gebruik van. ‘The Suit’ is een fictief wezentje wat gecreëerd werd speciaal voor deze film, door de bedenker en grondlegger van de film. De naam ontleent zich aan de term suit wat het duikpak is van de zwemmers en duikers. Immers, eenieder die heeft meegedaan en meegewerkt aan de totstandkoming van de film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU kan in de suit, het duikpak, zitten of hebben gezeten. Zowel aan het begin bij de start van de lange tocht als aan het eind na de voltooien van de tocht is te zien en te horen hoe de creator van ‘The Suit’, ‘The Suit Ocean Team’ en de film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU naar allen refereert met ‘..You are all Suits..’. Aldus was daarmee ‘THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM’ geboren.. De film is beschikbaar in de talen Nederlands, Papiamentu, Engels, Spaans, Duits en Portuguees. Neem de tijd en geniet van de film! THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM Wij zijn ook te vinden op Vimeo; Facebook: Instagram.
Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Versión en Español

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Versión en Español

KUNUKU SUBMARINO DE CURACAO Curacao Underwater Kunuku Una hermosa película sobreb un viaje de snorkel costero de 100 (cien) kikómetros en Curaçao, aventurándose desde el punto más oriental de la isla a lo largo de la costa sur hasta el extremo noreste de la isla. La interacción entre el hombre y la naturaleza es una muestra de la belleza de la vida humano y submarina y optimal para promover su conservaçion i preservaçion, cual son ingredientes clave de esta hermosa película CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU. Nadadores, esnorkelistas, buceadores con un equipo de filmación de apriximadamente cuarenta a cincuenta personas y un total de aproximadamente cien personas hicieron este posible. Los esfuerzos coordinados, el enfoque y el liderazgo fueron clave en la realizaçión de este gran esfuerso sin fines de lucro. Recomendamos disfrutar también de los créditos, ya que los créditos son muy importantes para nosotros para reconocer a tantas personas que se esforzaron tanto en nuestra película. Nadie a hecho esto antes nadando de Este a Noreste, 100 kilómetros y nadie lo ha filmado tampoco. El metraje en bruto es mucho más que esta pelicula de 31-32 minutos y contiene mucha informaçion valiosa. Por lo tanto el metraje en bruto se puso a disposiçion con fines educativos en las escuelas, así como para los cientificos e investigadores en biología marina, desarollo sostenible, exploradores océanicos y más. El traje ‘The Suit’ es un personaje ficticio especialmente ‘creado por el creador’ de esta película. Y todos y cada uno en los créditos son un ‘Traje’ o ‘Suit’. Verás al final que significa: ‘boso tur ta The Suit’ que significa ‘Todos ustedes son Trajes’, como también se dijo al principio, justo antes de saltar al agua para la primera etapa. Y naçio ‘The Suit Ocean Team’. La película también está disponible en Inglés, Papiamento, Olandés, Portugués y Aleman. Disfruta la película! EL EQUIPO TRAJE OCEANO THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM Encuentranos tambien en Facebook, Vimeo y Instagram
Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Vershon na Papiamentu

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Vershon na Papiamentu

CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU Un sine bunita kaminda por disfrutá kon hende i naturalesa ta interaktá den harmonia durante un landá i un trep di snorkel di 100 (shen) kilometer kubriendonhenre kosta Suit di Korsou, saliendo for di e punta mas Ost te yega na e punta di mas NortWest di Korsou. Pa hasi e produkshon di e pelikula aki a usa landadonan i bushinan eksperenshá pa por garantisa safety di un i tur. Tabatin un filmset di mas o menos kuarenta pa sinkuenta hende anto e kantidat di total di hendenan enbolbí sosteniendo e inisiativa aki ta yega mas o menos shen persona. E pelikula a bira realidat pa motibu ku tur enbolbí tabatin na fokus nan plan anto bon liderazgo pa duna direkshon. Ta trata aki di un inisiativa kompletamente Non Profit, pues no ta trata di negoshi ni ganashi. Ront mundu awor por disfruta di nos kunuku bou di awa. Nos ta rekomendá tambe pa na final ora e credit nan ta pasa tuma un momentu i tempu pa wak i apresiá e lista largu di credits. Ta di e manera ei nos por duna tur esnan enbolbi elogio i nan podio komo muestra di apresio pa nan kontribushon balioso. E tour di landa i snorkel aki nunka a wordu hasi ni e kunuku bou di awa nunka a wordu filmá. E sine por a bira realidat tambe pasobra a risibi máksimo koperashon di instanshanan gubermamental i nó-gubernamental kendenan a hasi hópi esfuersonan i a soru pa tur permitnan nesesario pa tur kos por a tuma lugá. Pa a traha e sine aki di mas o menos 31-32 minüt mester a hasi hopi filmashonan i a sobra hopi material. Tur esaki tambe tin kontenido balioso i ta pa e motibu ei nos a pone tur material ‘raw’ tambe na disponibilidat di instanshanan den seno di edukashon i enseñansa í tambe siensia. Pues edukadornan i sientífikonan tin material di bou di awa pa traha ku ne i òf sigui hasi estudionan riba dje. ‘The Suit’ ta un katakter fiktisio ku a wordu kreá dor di esun kende a krea e pelikula. Esaki ta en konekshon ku ta den un ‘dive suit’ a landa e shen kikometer anto tur tur hende ku a hinka esfuersonan den realisashon di e sine CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU ta meresé di ta wordu yamá ‘Suit’. Di un of otro manera nan tambe tabata den e ‘suit’. Tantu na komienso komo na final ta mira e kreador di e pelikula bisa ku ‘tur hende ku bo ta mira ta The Suit’, i asina a nase ‘The Suit Ocean Team’. E pelikula ta disponibel na seis idioma: Papiamemtu, Ingles, Hulandes, Spaño, Aleman, Portugues. Tuma tempu sinta i indisfrutá di e pelikula! THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM Nos ta presente tambe riba social media
Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Deutsche Fassung

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Deutsche Fassung

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku Ein wunderschöner Film über einen 100 (einhundert) Kilometer langen Schnochelausflug an der Küste von Curaçao, der vom östlichsten Punkt der Insel entlang der Südküste bis zur nordwestlichsten Spitze der Insel führt. Die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Natur, die Präsentatiopn der Schönheit des Unterwasserlebens und die Förderung des Schitzes und der Erhaltung davonsind die Hauptvestandteile dieses wunderschönen Film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU. Erfahrene Schwimmer un Taucher mit einer Filmcrew von etwa vierzig bis fünfzig Personen und insgesamt etwa hundert machten dies möchlich. Koordinierte Bemühungen, Konzentration und Führung waren der Schlüssel zur Verwirklichung dieses riesigen gemeinnützigen Unterfangens. Wir empfehlen, auch die Credits zu genieβen, da Credits so wichtig für uns sind, um so viele Menschen anzuerkennen, die so viel Mühe in unseren Film gesteckt haben. Niemand hat das gemacht, bevor er 100 Kilometer vond Ost nach Nordwest geschwommen ist, und niemand hat es auch gefilmt. Das Rohmaterial ist viel mehr asl dieser 31-32 minütige Film und enthalt viele wertvolle Informationen. Daher wurde das Rohmaterial für Bildungszwecke in Schulen sowie Wissenschaftlern und Forschern in den Bereichen Meeresbiologie, nachhaltige Entwicklung, Meeresforscher und meher zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Anzug ist eine fictive Figur ‘The Suit’, speziell vom Schöpfer dieses Films erschaffen wurde. Und jeder einzelne in den Credits ist ein ‘Anzug’. Am Ende sehen Sie: ‘Boso tur ta The Suit’, was ‘Ihr zeit alle Anzüge bedeutet, wie auch am Anfang gesagt wurde, kurz bevor Sie für die erste Stufe ins Wasser springen. Und das Suit Ocean Team war geboren. Der Film ist auch in Spanisch, Papiamentu, Niederländisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch. Geniβe den Film! DAS SUIT OCEAN TEAM Finde uns auf Facebook, auf Vimeo, auf Instagram CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU A beautiful film about a 100 (one hundred) kilometer coastal snorkel trip in Curaçao, venturing out from the Eastern most point of the island along the South coast all the way to the NorthWestern most tip of the island. Interaction between man and nature, showcasing the beauty of underwater life and promoting conservation and preservation thereof are key ingredients to this beautiful film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU. Experienced swimmers and divers with a film crew of approx forty to fifty people and a total of approximately one hundred made this possible. Coordinated efforts, focus and leadership were key in the realization of this huge non profit endeavour. May we recommend to also enjoy the credits as credits are so important for us to recognize so many people who put so much efforts in our film. Nobody has done this before swimming from East to Northwest, 100kilomters and nobody has filmed it either. The raw footage is much more then this 31-32 minute film and contains a lot of valuable information. Therefore the raw footage was made available for educational purpose in schools as well as scientists and researchers in marine biology, sustainable development, ocean explorers and more. The Suit is a fictional character especially ‘created by the creator’ of this film. And each and everyone in the credits is a ‘Suit’. You’ll see at the end: ‘boso tur ta The Suit’ which means ‘You are all Suits’ as also said at the beginning just before jumping in the water for the first stage. And The Suit Ocean Team was born. The film is also available in Spanish, Papiamentu, Dutch, Portuguese and German Enjoy the film! THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM Find us on Facebook; on Vimeo; on Instagram
Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Versão em Português

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | Versão em Português

CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU em Português Um belo filme sobre uma viagem de snorkel copteira de 100 (cem) quilômetros em Curaçao, desde o ponto mais oriental da ilha ao longo da costa sul até a ponta mais noreste da ilha. A interação entre o homem e a natureza, mostrando a beleza da vida subaquática e promovendo a conservação e preservação da mesma são ingredients fundamentais para este belo filme CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU. Nadadores e mergulhadores experientes com uma equipe de filmagem de aproximadamente quarente a cinquenta pessoas e um total de aproximadamente cem tornaram isso possível. Esforços coordenados, foco e liderança foram fundamentais na realização deste grande empreendimento sems fins lucrativos. Recomendamos também aproveitar os créditos, pois os créditos são muito importantes para reconhecermos tantas pessoas que se esforçam tanto em nosso filme. Ninguém fez isso antes de nadar de leste a noreste, 100 quilômetros e ninguém filmou também, A filmagem bruta é muito mais do que este filme de 31-32 minutos e contém muitas informações valiosas. Portanto, as imagens brutas foram disponibilizadas para fins educacionais em escolas, bem como cientistas e pesquisadores em biologia marinha, desenvolvimento sustentável, exploradores oceânicos e muito mais. O Traje ‘The Suit’ é um personagem fictício especialmente ‘criado pelo criador’ deste filme. E todos e todos nos créditos são un ‘Suit’. Você verá no final: ‘boso tur ta The Suit’, que significa ‘Vocês verá são todos um Suit’, como também foi dito no início, pouco antes de pular na água para a primeira etapa. E nasceu o ‘The Suit Ocean Team’. O filme também está disponível em Espanhol, Papiamento, Holandês, Alemão, e Inglês. Aproveite o filme! A Euipe Suit Ocean The Suit Ocean Team Encontre-nos no Facebook, no Vimeo, no Instagram, LinkedIn ———— CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU A beautiful film about a 100 (one hundred) kilometer coastal snorkel trip in Curaçao, venturing out from the Eastern most point of the island along the South coast all the way to the NorthWestern most tip of the island. Interaction between man and nature, showcasing the beauty of underwater life and promoting conservation and preservation thereof are key ingredients to this beautiful film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU. Experienced swimmers and divers with a film crew of approx forty to fifty people and a total of approximately one hundred made this possible. Coordinated efforts, focus and leadership were key in the realization of this huge non profit endeavour. May we recommend to also enjoy the credits as credits are so important for us to recognize so many people who put so much efforts in our film. Nobody has done this before swimming from East to Northwest, 100kilomters and nobody has filmed it either. The raw footage is much more then this 31-32 minute film and contains a lot of valuable information. Therefore the raw footage was made available for educational purpose in schools as well as scientists and researchers in marine biology, sustainable development, ocean explorers and more. The Suit is a fictional character especially ‘created by the creator’ of this film. And each and everyone in the credits is a ‘Suit’. You’ll see at the end: ‘boso tur ta The Suit’ which means ‘You are all Suits’ as also said at the beginning just before jumping in the water for the first stage. And The Suit Ocean Team was born. The film is also available in Spanish, Papiamentu, Dutch, Portuguese and German Enjoy the film! THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM Find us on Facebook; on Vimeo; on Instagram
Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | English Version

Curaçao Underwater Kunuku | The Suit Ocean Team | English Version

CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU A beautiful film about a 100 (one hundred) kilometer coastal snorkel trip in Curaçao, venturing out from the Eastern most point of the island along the South coast all the way to the NorthWestern most tip of the island. Interaction between man and nature, showcasing the beauty of underwater life and promoting conservation and preservation thereof are key ingredients to this beautiful film CURACAO UNDERWATER KUNUKU. Experienced swimmers and divers with a film crew of approx forty to fifty people and a total of approximately one hundred made this possible. Coordinated efforts, focus and leadership were key in the realization of this huge non profit endeavour. May we recommend to also enjoy the credits as credits are so important for us to recognize so many people who put so much efforts in our film. Nobody has done this before swimming from East to Northwest, 100kilomters and nobody has filmed it either. The raw footage is much more then this 31-32 minute film and contains a lot of valuable information. Therefore the raw footage was made available for educational purpose in schools as well as scientists and researchers in marine biology, sustainable development, ocean explorers and more. The Suit is a fictional character especially ‘created by the creator’ of this film. And each and everyone in the credits is a ‘Suit’. You’ll see at the end: ‘boso tur ta The Suit’ which means ‘You are all Suits’ as also said at the beginning just before jumping in the water for the first stage. And The Suit Ocean Team was born. The film is also available in Spanish, Papiamentu, Dutch, Portuguese and German Enjoy the film! THE SUIT OCEAN TEAM Find us on Facebook; on Vimeo; on Instagram


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